April 18, 2006

Spring is here!

Spring has come to Winnie! The arrival of spring for me is easily marked by the scilla sibirica pushing through the ground. That's the pretty little blue flowers in the photos. My yard is awash in blue these days. They are a bulb that's grown in the yard since I was a kid.

I also put in a few crocuses, and they have come up in the last week also. Some of them are already done, in fact.

Nothing like flowers to signal the arrival of spring.

April 12, 2006

400 gone

I've just spent the over 2 hours getting over 400 messages out of my email inbox. It almost feels like I've accomplished something.


Of course, my inbox still has 591 messages in it.

Baby steps.

April 11, 2006

Almost done

I'm reading "Before the frost", which is a mystery by Henning Mankell, a Swedish author. After finishing it, I'll have read just about all of his work that's available in English.

There might be more available in English than there are in North America, as I found one of his books in a used bookshop in Paris - San Francisco Book Company (Shop?) - that isn't listed in among those available in the Vintage Crime series, despite having occurred earlier than some books in that series - such as "Before the frost."

Mankell's books are good, and often have some sort of international component to them. He's used links to events in Latvia and Africa a couple of times.

April 3, 2006

Quote of the Day

In this bitch of a life, you can never be too well armed."
Edward Manet, quoted at the beginning of "The Judgment of Paris: The decade that gave the world impressionism" by Ross King.