August 31, 2005

Second best

46 today at the Canoe Club, my second best total ever there. Just Gus and I were out, as the weather kept others away. It had rained between 11 and 11:30, but it was fine at 12 when we teed off, and didn't rain again. Heck, I ended up golfing in short sleeves after arriving in a windbreaker and mock t-shirt. It seems the other people we golf with - or more often don't - are weather wimps.

I could have been lower, as I took a 9 on the first hole, squibbing a second shot over the riverbank edge and four putting. Ugh.

But I did hit the green on 8 and made par to win that hole after Gus won the first two by driving the 7th green and making par (neither of us were on the first par 3). Gus was also on the 8th green, but I was closer.

I teed off first on 9, and made the front edge of the green on the right side. Gus also drove the green, to the left and further back. The pin was over to the left centre, so he was closer and made his par to carry the day.

Still it was a good day for me. Shot pretty well. Need some practice around green, getting up and down. Clocked a couple chips across the green today that I was trying to plop on, which also added to my score.

Winnipeg weather looking better and better

After seeing what Hurricane Katrina did across the US Gulf coast, Winnipeg's weather - no sudden catastrophes here (we have to sandbag every so often but with plenty of warning) - looks better and better.

August 24, 2005

Golf Day

Well, not a great day on the links. Shot 54. Did OK most of the time, but took a 10 and two 9s. The 10 was on the second hole, where it took me 3 shots to get from the blue tees to the reds (now, the second two shots were also with my driver, because I'd left the rest of my clubs up the fairway).

On 9 though, Gus hits his first shot in the bunker, and I drive it right at the green. It rolls and looks like it's just off. So, he suggests going again. I say sure, and hit it even better. It's at the back of the green but clearly on. Gus goes way left, so I'm putting for dough (with this club).

Ironically, when we get to the green, my first shot turns out to be just on, while my second is several inches into the first cut just off the green. Sadly, after a good first putt, I came up just a bit short of making the par and winning a buck from Gus, who'd taken three from me on the previous hole (first two were carried over).

August 23, 2005

Plants in the yard

In my yard there are plants that volunteered themselves into place, and some that I planted.

Among the volunteers are day lilies, sweet cicely, celandine poppies, nightshade, cilia, gout weed, ferns, as well as several trees: oak, elm, Manitoba maple, pines (maybe some small European buckthorns that I haven't seen and pulled out).

Over the last few years, I have planted the following
tall meadow rue, prairie sage, fireweed, blue vervain, narrowleaf sunflower, milkweed, joe pye weed, white flat-topped aster, hostas, coleus, evening primrose, prairie rose, swamp violet, culver's root, bleeding heart, three flowered avens, Philadelphia fleabane, red bee balm, phlox, double balloon flower, pink onion, giant hysop, gaillardia, bladegrass, yarrow, bergamot, little bluestem, golden alexander, black eyed susan, crocus, iris, obedient plant, purple prairie clover, white prairie clover, and dotted blazing star (I've planted more than this, but some of the plants simply disappeared shortly after going in the ground).

This isn't an exhaustive list (there are bunch of weeds that I didn't list, and I have a couple of tomato plants too), but it gives some indication of what's in my 75' by 123' lot.

August 18, 2005

Out at the movies

Recently saw Wedding Crashers, which is a good romantic comedy, and Four Brothers, which is a good action flick with revenge as the premise. If you're looking to see a film this weekend, either of these would be good cinematic experiences, although not the same sort of experience.

Oh, and I watched Finding Forrester on the tube last Sunday, which was also good although I didn't realize that the title referred to Sean Connery's character rather than the lead actor - a black student who gets recruited to go to a preppy - mainly white - high school, because of his basketball skills, but they don't know how smart he is too.

August 16, 2005

More plants go in

I put some more plants in yesterday: White and Purple Prairie Clover, Black-Eyed Susan, and Dotted Blazing Star. Hopefully, they will look as good next year as this Double Balloon Flower looks this year, which I planted last year.

Or this Philadelphia Fleabane that I put in a few years ago.

August 11, 2005

The man with the whistle

I'm volunteering as a scorekeeper at the 2005 Canadian Ultimate Championships. I did three games today, and will do three tomorrow.

The third game was a great match between two women's teams: Cream, from Edmonton and Roughriders, from Vancouver. Cream was up at the half, 8-5, although they had been down 4-2 early on.

Cream was still ahead 8-7 when the time cap horn sounded, which means the game will end at the highest current score plus two after the current play is finished (each play ends with a score).

Roughriders scored to make it 8-8, so the game would end when one of the teams got to 10. Roughriders then scored again to take the lead. Cream then drew level at 9. The next point would win the game. And it was scored by Roughriders.

It was a great match, but the day was a bit of a drag: cool and damp. But at the end, as I was going to my car to head home there was a perfect rainbow across the eastern sky.

August 10, 2005

With only one ball

PB-ed again at the Canoe Club today: 45, beating my previous best by 2. And I could have been lower, as I was on the 6th green in 4, but made 8. Oops!

Also, I won the first par 3, edging out Gus, who was also on the green. He won the 8th hole, which was a carry over. When I stepped up to the 9th tee, it was with the knowledge that Jen, Shy and Gus were all off to the left. I hit it right at the heart of the green - and it bounced over. Frick! I don't know my own strength.

August 9, 2005

A & J

I love cartoons. One of my favorites is one that isn't well known. I got to know Arlo & Janis through the Winnipeg Sun.

To find out if you like it too, you probably need to see some examples. So, a one, and a two, and a three, and a four.

August 8, 2005

Crashed out

I crashed out of the Klondike tournament on Saturday by playing worse than I did on Friday. I didn't think that was possible, but I was wrong. *sigh*

We did OK in doubles, and I played well in that. But lost in a tie-breaker 11-7.

And Bombers lost! Kevin Glenn - the starting QB - got hurt in the first half. Tee Martin, the second stringer, replaced him, and didn't less than nothing. That led to Russ Michna coming in the 4th quarter, and he threw for 2 TDs (and no interceptions; Glenn threw 1 and Martin 2).

A late-comer to camp in the pre-season, I've wanted to see Michna play in the regular since he threw for a TD in the both the pre-season games he played in. Let's keep playing Michna regardless of whether Glenn is hurt.

August 6, 2005

Klondike Tournament

In Edmonton for the Klondike tournament. They had a golf day yesterday. It was a great day for it, although I didn't play great. Made few good shots, but overall it was a disappointing 123 (64+59).

And it was a long day, which I think might have showed in my racquetball game later. I lost pretty convincingly, but to a player who's ranked much higher than me. So, I could have played well and still lost. But that would have been more satisfying.

We - 'Father' Bob and I - pulled doubles out of the fire in a tie-breaker.

Oh, and picked up the Feist album "Let it die," and it's good. Very good.

August 3, 2005

Glacial day

Scored 51 at the Canoe Club today. But I won the 9th hole, driving the green and then making par. Brian was on too, but I was closer. Parred the 8th too by getting it up and down after missing the green right. Finishing par, par salvaged the day for me.

Didn't drive nearly as well as last week, and still a bit off around the greens, so I was like a glacier today. Took a step back after a couple of steps forward last week.

Got a bit of sun

I got a bit of sun by sitting beside my front steps on the weekend reading the weekend papers. First time I've sat outside with my shirt off in quite some time. I'm not sure I can remember the previous time. No, wait. I AM sure I can't.

I wasn't bothered by mosquitos much, as Winnipeg has become dragonfly central.